Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seven Months

Sometimes I can't believe that Molly's 7 months old...other times, it feels like we've known her/had her forever. It's hard to remember a time without her. Isn't it funny how you can feel like you loved someone before you ever met them...or even before they existed? I digress...

This is just a little update on Miss Molly's ever-changing, ever-individual personality. Her likes and dislikes.


Banana Puffs. She screeched at me in frustration the other day when I put the container away. Don't get between a baby and her puffs!

Sophie the Giraffe. She deserves her own post. Not kidding - there will be one.

This YouTube video. She dances to the song, and jumps and bounces and flips out. You're welcome.

Taking walks. She looooves walks. Walks are our go-to thing if she is crazy fussy, which has been happening a lot lately.

Anything Mommy is eating/has in her hands........need I say more??


Peek-a-Boo! She thinks this is hilarious, however, still will not give up the belly laugh very often. Aw man, she's totally my kid.

Wipes. Yep, as wipes. She goes nuts if you give one to her to hold while changing her clothes or diaper. That's been my saving grace lately because she HATES getting her clothes on/off.


Naps. Or sleep. I think she just hates sleep. It's really very sad.

Getting clothes changed. ALLIWANNADOISPLAYDRESSUP. But noooo, we can't, because she will scream her head off!

Getting buckled in her car seat. After our trip to Tennessee, she won't tolerate the car seat for any longer than absolutely necessary. Can't say I blame her.

.......did I say sleep already?? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor mama. Sleep will come, I promise. And so will "get your own cereal in the morning please so mommy and daddy can sleep in on Sunday, k Molly?" You're doing great and it's so cute to read your updates! Love your guts!
